Cupcake er Nah?

I learned from a friend- who was so hopeful for an opportunity to present scotcheroos (a peanut buttery chocolatey something I’m not sure I’d ever heard of) or something like that to him- that John’s birthday, happened to be 2 Fridays ago. I see John pretty regularly so I was kinda remiss, a lil “aw…

The Theology of Bread?

Picking up right where we left off, I’ve been painfully aware of how much time it’s been since the last time I scribbled on these pages. I’ve made quiet resolutions to relaunch and I’m working my way there. I’ve recently been listening a bit to Jordan Raynor who writes and speaks on the topic of…

Sourdough: Baked

Knock! Knock! Answered by a snap, crackle and a pop. A screech and the oven door slams. With haste, on the counter the loaf lands. Steam rises, even still so does the anticipation Salivatin’ in preparation for mastication. Sure you could use a knife but there’s just something so right about pulling away with the…

Sourdough. Bubbles and stuff.

I wouldn’t call myself a master bread baker just yet, but in the year that’s just past us, I’ve taken to learning a bit more about bread; it taught me some things I didn’t plan on learning. Not even trying to be deep, some thoughts would just rise. Bread really isn’t that hard. Nor is…

Balsamic Strawberry Bruschetta

Here’s the summer. Here comes the 4th. There goes Juneteenth. Lots of thoughts clouding my mind. Quarantine effects linger. One prevailing thought: keep it simple! Looking around my kitchen, we came up with the below. When cooking with ingredients, its helpful to see the ingredients for the flavors they contribute and the roles the play in a dish, rather than just what we’re used to seeing them used for. Think sweet, salty, savory, bitter, sour. Think strawberries, tomatoes, cheese, balsamic.

Roasted Berbere Veggie Medley

This Black Beauty’s own Instagram identifies her as a Somali home cook in Brooklyn, ShEO of @basbaassauceI. There’s still plenty to learn about her but I was briefly introduced to the work of Hawa Hassan by the podcast “From Scratch” by Michael Ruhlman. During her feature, she shared a simple recipe for roasted carrots, chickpeas,…

Happy Birthday Ma!

via Mom, I’m Hungry You may have read this before but there’s nothing like a re-wrapped birthday gift. In wishing my Mother a happy birthday, I took some time to remember the things that her life has accomplished so far and invite you to celebrate. She’s such a dreamer, with unending imagination. There will never…

Sourdough Crackers #Sourdough Discard

You may have seen the crackers. You might want the crackers. I just wanted to share here the recipe that I referenced. I did add onion and garlic powder as well as Italian seasoning. Because not all my butter was quite room temp, I substituted 2 T olive oil. Roll them too thick and they’ll…

Roasted Carrot and Spice Soup

This isolation situation we find ourselves in has warranted a new life for us all. It’s afforded me time to try some new recipes and new experiences. Last night, I had a blast cooking with the Culture New Norm family on IGTV and we made this simple soup that pays you back much more than…

Banana Ice!

Hello! It feels good to be back. And it’s nice to have you. (If you’re here just for the recipe, feel free to scroll. You shouldn’t have to scroll too far.) I hope you’re doing well and taking your health and the health of others seriously. Nonetheless, thanks to the slower pace, I’ve gotten a…

We’ll Talk Soon!

Thanks again for reading! Thanks for liking, sharing, and subscribing. I might even write you a book one day for all your support. What do you think? Pardon me as I rest my voice. We’ll get the ink flowing again shortly- kicking it of, as promised with our #WhatTheCookie exploration: What makes a cookie a…


I hope you’ve had a merry Christ mas and are shaping up for a sweet new year. You and I have been through quite a bit this year and I hope you’ve learned at least as much as I have. There’s plenty I look forward to chatting with you about. Among those has been a…